Miia Prowse BSc Adv Dip Nat MATMS
Whilst working in a pharmacy as part of her initial science degree, Miia had an aha moment when she realised that the same people kept coming back to the pharmacy to fill their scripts again and again – always taking their medication, yet never getting any better.
She watched the families around those with illness also suffering ongoing stress – especially the mums of children with chronic issues like eczema, ADHD, digestive disorders.
And watching that same scenario play out time and again, suddenly didn’t make sense any more. She felt called to do what she could to help people get better – really better.
So Miia, upon recognising that there were still things she didn’t understand about human health and wellness – despite her degree in pharmacology, set upon a course of discovery in massage and later qualifying in Naturopathy.
Her initial naturopathic study coincided with having children – so everything she was learning in an academic environment, she could then practice on her own children and family. She was astounded at the difference naturopathic treatment was able to make to them as well.
Miia’s different from so many human health practitioners. She blends the ancient art of wellness and the science of medicine to find the root cause of her patient’s issues – not just providing a quick fix for the symptoms.
Her vision of health is as a continuum. “Of course we’re always aiming for optimal health – but there’s a lot of ground between optimal health and disease or something we can put a label on. And in that space there may be a hidden imbalance that, at the moment, might just be a little niggle,” she said. “But left untreated for long enough and it becomes nasty. And if that’s not fixed, that’s when people get disease. But every body has the ability to essentially heal itself – we just have to help it along.”
She loves patients with difficult health challenges. To date, her patients have always seen measurable change in their health in some way – even those with very significant health issues. They feel better, get fewer headaches, and wake up at night less often. They all achieve something positive as a result of their treatment. And that keeps her love of naturopathy alive.
Her qualifications include;
- Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry & Pharmacology), University of Sydney, 1996
- Diploma of Remedial Massage, Helsinki Hieronta Akatemia, 1998
- Postgraduate Primary Course in Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 2004
- Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, Australian Institute of Applied Sciences, 2005
- Breastfeeding Counsellor, Australian Breastfeeding Association, 2005